Cover Image
close this bookButterfly Farming in Papua New Guinea (b22bue)
source ref: b22bue.htm
View the documentAcknowledgments
View the documentPanel on Butterfly Farming in Papua New Guinea
View the documentContributors
View the documentPreface
View the document1 Introduction and Summary
View the document2 Butterfly Status and Conservation
View the document3 History and Government Policy
View the document4 Operating a Butterfly Farm
View the document5 Application to Other Nations
close this folderAppendixes
View the documentA Selected Readings
View the documentAppendix B
View the documentAppendix C
View the documentAdvisory Committee on Technology Innovation
View the documentBoard on Science and Technology for International Development


Papua New Guinea

PETER CLARK, Manager, Insect Farming and Trading Agency, Bulolo

CAROLE GABARA, Wildlife Division, Department of Oro Province, Popondetta

WASAM GARARA, Wildlife Division, Department of Oro Province, Popondetta

KAROL KISOKAU, Director, Office of Environment and Conservation, Waigani

NAVU KWAPENA, Division of Wildlife, Department of Lands and Environment, Konedobu

MIRO LAUFA, Crocodile Section, Department of Lands and Environment, Konedobu

LEO NING, Division of Wildlife, East Sepik Province, Wewak

RODERICK ORARI, Butterfly farmer, Popondetta

MICHAEL PARSONS, Ecologist, Insect Farming and Trading Agency, Bulolo

BLU RAIRI, Butterfly farmer, Maprik

Other Countries

K. S. BROWN, JR., Department of Zoology, State University of Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

N. M. COLLINS, Co-compiler, Invertebrate Red Data Book, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Cambridge, England

WAYNE GAGNE, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii

ANGUS HUTTON, Garaina Farms, Gympie, Queensland, Australia

ASHLEY C. MORTON, Department of Biology, The University, Southampton, England

FRED PARKER, Kirwan, Queensland, Australia

* * *

NOEL D. VIETMEYER, Professional Associate, Board on Science and Technology for International Development, Butterfly Study Director

National Research Council Staff



CONSTANCE REGES, Administrative Secretary