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close this bookFarming snails 2: Choosing snails; Care and harvesting; Further improvement (fb34fe)
source ref: fb34fe.htm
View the documentPreface
close this folderThe snails
View the documentChoosing your snails
View the documentPutting your snails in the pen
View the documentWhen to take out the fully grown snails
close this folderTaking care of your snails
View the documentWet the food and shelter plants and moisten the ground
View the documentTend the food and shelter plants
View the documentTake away the weeds and creeping grass
View the documentFeeding your snails other kinds of food
close this folderBuilding the second pen
View the documentWhen to build the second pen and how to build it
View the documentPutting snails in your second pen
close this folderHarvesting your snails
View the documentWhen to harvest your snails
View the documentHow to harvest your snails
View the documentWhat to do with the snails you harvest
View the documentPreparing snails for cooking
close this folderFurther improvement
View the documentBuilding the third pen
View the documentBuilding a bigger pen
View the documentTaking better care of your snails

Preparing snails for cooking

212. Before snails can be used you must be sure that there is no food in them. They must be clean inside.

213. Snails that have been stored in a container (see Items 210 and 211 in this booklet) for more than four days will have no food left in them. They are clean inside.

214. However, snails which have just been taken from the pen have been eating and are usually full of food.

215. So, before you can use them you must wait for them to become clean inside. To do this you need only to keep them from eating.

216. Put them in a container where they can get no food but plenty of air. You can use a covered basket or a net sack.

Use a covered basket or a net sack

217. Put the basket or sack in a cool place away from the sun. After four days the snails will be clean inside.

Put the container away from sun

218. All snails must be washed and boiled just before cooking them.

219. First, put them in clean, cool water with a little salt and vinegar.

Put them in clean water

220. After a short time the water will begin 10 turn white and you will know that the snails are being washed inside.

221. When the water is very white, take the snails out and empty out the old water. Then put them again in clean, cool water with a little salt and vinegar.

Empty out dirty water; wash snails again

222. Continue to wash them this way until the water no longer turns white. Then you will know that the snails are completely washed.

223. Now put the snails in boiling water, again with salt and vinegar, and boil them at least five minutes. The snails are now ready to be cooked.

Boil snails with salt and vinegar for five minutes


Snail meat can be cooked like any meat or it can be cut into pieces and added to a stew or vegetables. If snails are eaten where you live, there will be many ways to cook them.