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close this bookFarming snails 2: Choosing snails; Care and harvesting; Further improvement (fb34fe)
source ref: fb34fe.htm
View the documentPreface
close this folderThe snails
View the documentChoosing your snails
View the documentPutting your snails in the pen
View the documentWhen to take out the fully grown snails
close this folderTaking care of your snails
View the documentWet the food and shelter plants and moisten the ground
View the documentTend the food and shelter plants
View the documentTake away the weeds and creeping grass
View the documentFeeding your snails other kinds of food
close this folderBuilding the second pen
View the documentWhen to build the second pen and how to build it
View the documentPutting snails in your second pen
close this folderHarvesting your snails
View the documentWhen to harvest your snails
View the documentHow to harvest your snails
View the documentWhat to do with the snails you harvest
View the documentPreparing snails for cooking
close this folderFurther improvement
View the documentBuilding the third pen
View the documentBuilding a bigger pen
View the documentTaking better care of your snails

Building the second pen

180. In the last booklet you were told that to farm snails you will need at least two pens.

Two pens needed

181 . With two pens you can move your snails from one pen to the other to get rid of any enemies that may have got in.

182. You can also move your snails to dig the ground and work the soil so that they can dig into the soil to rest and can lay their eggs easily.

183. With two pens you can move your snails from one pen to the other if the weeds and creeping grass get too thick to take away with snails in the pen.

184. You can also plant new food plants when the old ones have been eaten. When you are moving the snails, you can get rid of any of them that have not grown well.