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close this bookThe Courier - N°158 - July - August 1996 Dossier Communication and the media - Country report Cape Verde (ec158e)
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The Courier

Africa - Caribbean - Pacific - European Union

Address: Postal address (mail only) 'The ACP-KU Courier' Commission of the European Communities 200, rue de la Loi 1049 Brussels Belgium

The Courier office address (visitors) First floor Astrid Building 1, rue de Geneve Evere - Brussels Belgium

Publisher Steffen Smide commission of the European Communities 200, rue de la Loi 1049 - BRUSSELS (Belgium) Tel. 00-32-2-299 11 11

Director of Publications

Dominique David


Simon Homer

Assistant editors

Augustin Oyowe

Jeanne Remade

Associate assistant editor

Hegel Goutier


Debra Percival

Production Manager:

Dorothy Morrissey


Carmela Peters

Fax: 299-30~02


Margriet Mahy-van der Werf