Cover Image
close this bookLittle Known Asian Animals With a Promising Economic Future (b18ase)
source ref: b18ase.htm
View the documentAcknowledgments
View the documentPreface
View the documentIntroduction
close this folderPart I : Domesticated Bovine Species
View the document1 Domesticated Banteng
View the document2 Banteng Cattle Hybrids
View the document3 Mithan
View the document4 Yak
View the document5 Yakows
close this folderPart II : Wild Bovine Species
View the document6 Wild Banteng
View the document7 Gaur
View the document8 Kouprey
View the document9 Tamaraw
View the document10 Anoas
close this folderPart IlI : Pig and Piglike Species
View the document11 The Bearded Pig
View the document12 The Sulawesi Warty Pig
View the document13 Javan Warty Pig
View the document14 Pigmy Hog
View the document15 The Babirusa
View the documentPart IV : Recommendations and General Research Needs
close this folderAppendixes
View the documentSelected Readings
View the documentResearch Contacts
View the documentAdvisory Committee on Technology Innovation
View the documentBoard on Science and Technology for International Development

Advisory Committee on Technology Innovation

HUGH POPENOE, Director, International Programs in Agriculture, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, Chairman


WILLIAM BRADLEY, Consultant, New Hope, Pennsylvania

HAROLD DREGNE, Director, International Center for Arid and Semi-Arid Land Studies, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas (member through 1981)

ELMER L. GADEN, JR., Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

CARL N. HODGES, Director, Environmental Research Laboratory, Tucson, Arizona

CYRUS MCKELL, Native Plants, Inc., Salt Lake City, Utah

FRANCOlS MERGEN, Pinchot Professor of Forestry, School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut (member through 1982)

DONALD L. PLUCKNETT, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, Washington, D.C.

THEODORE SUDIA, Deputy Science Advisor to the Secretary of Interior, Department of Interior, Washington, D.C.