Cover Image
close this bookLittle Known Asian Animals With a Promising Economic Future (b18ase)
source ref: b18ase.htm
View the documentAcknowledgments
View the documentPreface
View the documentIntroduction
close this folderPart I : Domesticated Bovine Species
View the document1 Domesticated Banteng
View the document2 Banteng Cattle Hybrids
View the document3 Mithan
View the document4 Yak
View the document5 Yakows
close this folderPart II : Wild Bovine Species
View the document6 Wild Banteng
View the document7 Gaur
View the document8 Kouprey
View the document9 Tamaraw
View the document10 Anoas
close this folderPart IlI : Pig and Piglike Species
View the document11 The Bearded Pig
View the document12 The Sulawesi Warty Pig
View the document13 Javan Warty Pig
View the document14 Pigmy Hog
View the document15 The Babirusa
View the documentPart IV : Recommendations and General Research Needs
close this folderAppendixes
View the documentSelected Readings
View the documentResearch Contacts
View the documentAdvisory Committee on Technology Innovation
View the documentBoard on Science and Technology for International Development

Research Contacts

Because Asia contains many livestock breeds about which little is known, an expert committee on Animal Genetic Resources has been recently formed by the Society for the Advancement of Breeding Researchers in Asia and Oceania (SABRAO). Its chairman is Professor J. S. F. Barker of the University of New England, Armidale, New South Wales 2351, Australia.

The Species Survival Commission of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature has a Wild Cattle Specialist Group that concerns itself with wild banteng, gaur, and kouprey. Its chairman is Mr. Mohd. Khan bin Momin Khan, Director-General, Wildlife and National Parks, West Malaysia, Kompleks Pejabat-Pejabat Kerajaan, Block K-20, Jalan Duta, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The following have particular knowledge of the animals described in this book, have contributed to the various chapters, and (in most cases) have agreed to provide advice to bona fide researchers wishing to study further the animals in this report.

Domesticated Banteng

Ida Bagus Arka, Faculty for Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Udayana University, Jalan Sudirman Sanglah, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia J. S. F. Barker, Department of Animal Science, University of New

England, Armidale, New South Wales 2351, Australia

W. Bongers, Department of Nature Conservation, Wageningen Agricultural University, Ritzema Bosweg 32a, 6703AZ Wageningen, The Netherlands David Butcher, Western Plains Zoo, Box 813, Dubbo, New South Wales

2830, Australia (Banteng are available for research projects and zoos.

Quarantine for shipments between Australia and most countries are


J. K. Camoens, Livestock Specialist, Asian Development Bank, P.O. Box 789, Manila, Philippines 2800

David Deppner, 1603 Dayton Road, Hyattsville, Maryland 20783, USA

C. Devendra, Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia

J.-M. Duplan, Institut Technique de l'Elevage Bovin, Section Amelioration Genetique, Maison Nationale des Eleveurs, 149, rue de Bercy F, 75595 Paris Cedex 12, France

H. Fischer, Institute of Tropical Veterinary Medicine, 63 Giessen, Wilhelmstrasse 15, Federal Republic of Germany

S. I. Furtado, Universiti Malaya, Lembah Pantai, Kuala Lumpur 22-11, Malaysia.

John Hodges, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

H. Huitema, Overzicht 60, 6862 CT, Oosterbeek, The Netherlands

Graham W. M. Kirby, Principal Animal Production Officer, Department of Primary Production, P.O. Box 4160, Darwin, Northern Territory 5790, Australia

Moh. Zain Katoe, P.T. United Livestock, Jalan Bau Massepe 472, ParePare, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

H. -G. Klos, Director, Zoologischer Garten Berlin, Hardenbergplatz 8 , 1000 Berlin 30, Federal Republic of Germany

Prof. Kusmat, Dean, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Jalan Oto Iskandardinata, Bogor, Indonesia

Ian L. Mason, 8 Ramsay Garden, Edinburgh, EH1 1NA, Scotland

Robert E. McDowell, Department of Animal Science, Frank B. Morrison Hall, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA

G. Montsma, Department of Animal Production, Wageningen Agricultural University, Ritzema Bosweg 32a, 6703 AZ Wageningen, The Netherlands

J. B. Moran, Senior Research Officer, Animal and Irrigated Pastures Research Institute, Kyabram, Victoria 3620, Australia

Jan Nari, Director of Central Research Institute for Animal Science, Jalan Raya Pajajaran, Bogor, Indonesia

I. M. Nitis, Department of Animal Nutrition and Tropical Pasture Production, Udayana University, Jalan Sudirman Sanglah, Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

W. J. A. Payne, 91 Bedwardine Road, London SE19 3AY, England

Donald L. Plucknett, Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research, 1818 H Street, Washington, D.C. 20433, USA

Research Institute for Animal Production, P.O. Box 123, Bogor, Indonesia (Amber Roesyat, Ian Fletcher, Dennis Hoffmann, P. Sitorus, Subandriyo, M. Zulbardi)

David W. Robinson, International Programs, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA

D. H. L. Rollinson, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

G. Seifert, CSIRO, Tropical Cattle Research Centre, P.O. Box 5545, Rockhampton Mail Centre, N. Rockhampton, Australia

C. David Simpson, Senior Extension Specialist, Veld, Pastures and Wildlife, Agritex Box 363, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

A. J. Smith, Tropical Animal Health, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Summerhall, Edinburgh, EH9 1QH Scotland

Dukut Sularsasa, Department of Tropical Veterinary Science, James Cook University, Townsville, Queensland 4811, Australia

M. Syamsul Arifin, Jalan Amin Jakfar 41, Pamekasan Madura, Jatim, Indonesia

Taronga Zoo, P.O. Box 20, Mosman, New South Wales 2088, Australia (T. Finnie and J. L. Throp)

Frank M. Thompson, Wild Animal Brokers, 15605 S. R. #64, Bradenton, Florida 33508, USA

Allen D. Tillman, 523 West Harned Place, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074, USA

Don Tulloch, P.O. Box 38841, Winnellie, Northern Territory 5789, Australia

Helen Newton Turner, P.O. Box 184, North Ryde, New South Wales 2113, Australia

Antoon de Vos, P.O. Box 34, Whitford, Auckland, New Zealand

Robert Warren, Department or Range and Wildlife Management, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas 79409, USA

Everett J. Warwick, The Rockefeller Foundation, P.O. Box 63, Yogyakarta, D.I.Y., Indonesia

John Woodward, 35AI, Sultan Hasanudin, Ujung Pandang, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

Zoos with Domesticated Banteng

Antwerp, Belgium (Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp)

Askaniya-Nova, USSR (Zoologicheskii Park Askaniya-Nova)

Bangkok, Thailand (Dusit Zoological Park; banteng-mithan hybrid)

Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (Zoologischer Garten)

Berlin, German Democratic Republic (Tierpark Berlin)

Copenhagen, Denmark (Zoologisk Have)

Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia (Western Plains Zoo)

Jakarta, Indonesia (Kebun Binatang Ragunan)

Kiev, USSR (Kievskii Zoologicheskii Park)

Madrid, Spain (Zoo de la Casa de Campo; mithan-banteng hybrid)

Pretoria, South Africa (National Zoological Gardens of South Africa)

Rome, Italy (Giardino Zoologico e Museo de Zoologia del Comune de Rome and Zoorama)

Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Stichting Koninklijke Rotterdamse Diergaarde; 2 male, 2 female, may be wild form)

Surabaya, Indonesia (Kebun Binatang Surabaya)

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Banteng-Cattle Hybrids

Abubakar Aldjufri, Secretary, Asian Livestock Business Club, Kebun Pala I/79B Tanah Abang, Jakarta, Indonesia

Saleh Aldjufri, Jalan Jakarta 42, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

David Deppner, 1603 Dayton Rd., Hyattsville, Maryland 20783, USA

H. Huitema, Overzicht 60, 6862 CT, Oosterbeek, The Netherlands

Graham W. M. Kirby, Principal Animal Production Officer, Department of Primary Production, P.O. Box 4160, Darwin, Northern Territory 5790, Australia

J. B. Moran, Senior Research Officer, Animal and Irrigated Pastures Research Institute, Kyabram, Victoria 3620, Australia

W. J. A. Payne, 91 Bedwardine Road, London SE19 3AY, England

David W. Robinson, International Programs, University of California, Davis, California 95616, USA

D. H. L. Rollinson, Animal Production and Health Division, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

B. Wheeler, 1000 Shady Lane, College Station, Texas 77840, USA


Chaichana Satrulee, Dusit Zoological Park, Bangkok, Thailand

H. Fischer, Institute of Tropical Veterinary Medicine, 63 Giessen, Wilhelmstrasse 15, Federal Republic of Germany

C. von Furer Haimendorf, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, London WC1, England

Charles G. Hickman, Livestock Consultant, A. Mithat Efendi Sokak No. 36/11, Cankaya, Ankara, Turkey

Frederick J. Simoons, 140 Bartlett Ave., Woodland, California 95695, USA

Zoos with Mithan (Gayal)

Aalborg, Denmark (Aalborg Zoologiske Have)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Stichting Koninklijk Zoologisch)

Arnhem, The Netherlands (Burgers' Zoo and Safari)

Bangkok, Thailand (Dusit Zoological Park)

Berlin, German Democratic Republic (Tierpark Berlin)

Calcutta, India

Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany (Aktiengesellschaft Zoologischer Garten)

Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany (Tiergarten Heidelberg)

Kolmarden, Sweden (Koemardens Djurpark)

Madrid, Spain (Zoo de la Casa de Campo; mithan-banteng hybrid)

Rabat, Morocco (Pare Zoologique National)

Vienna, Austria (Schonbrunn Zoo)

Tallin, USSR (Tallinna Loomaaed)


Joseph Bonnemaire, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Sciences Agronomiques Appliquees, 26, Bd. Docteur Petitjean, 21100 Dijon, France

Corneille Jest, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1, Place Artistide-Briand, 92190 Meudon, France

R. A. Kazarova, Director, Riga Zoological Garden, Meza prospekt 1, Riga 14 226014, Latvian SSR, USSR

K. K. Panday, Swiss Association for Technical Assistance (SATA), Box 113, Kathmandu, Nepal

Ralph W. Phillips, The Representative, Apartment 810, 1101 South Arlington Ridge Road, Arlington, Virginia 22202, USA

Patrick J. Robinson, Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, University of Oxford, Commonwealth Forestry Institute, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB, England

George B. Schaller, New York Zoological Society, 185 and Southern Blvd., New York, New York 10460, USA

T. B. Singh, Director General, Department of Livestock, HMG, Harihar Bhawan, Pulchowk, Laitpur, Nepal

Societe d'Ethnozootechnie, 25, Boulevard Arago, 75013 Paris, France (R. Laurans)

Zoos with Yak

Antwerp, Belgium (Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp)

Arnhem, The Netherlands (Burgers' Zoo and Safari)

Baltimore, Maryland, USA

Bronx, New York, USA (New York Zoological Park)

Chicago, Illinois, USA (Brookfield Zoo)

Denver, Colorado, USA (Denver Zoological Gardens)

Detroit, Michigan, USA (Detroit Zoological Park)

Evansville, Indiana, USA (Meeker Park Zoo)

Granby, Quebec, Canada (Societe Zoologique de Granby, Inc.)

Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA (John Ball Zoological Gardens)

Kansas City, Missouri, USA (Kansas City Zoological Gardens)

Knoxville, Tennessee, USA (Knoxville Municipal Zoo)

London, England

Rochester, New York, USA (Seneca Park Zoo)

Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Stichting Koninklijke Rotterdamse Diergaarde)

San Diego, California, USA (San Diego Wild Animal Park)

Sioux Falls, South Dakota, USA (Great Plains Zoo)

South Bend, Indiana, USA (Potawatomi Park Zoo)

Syracuse, New York, USA (Burnet Zoo)

Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Metro Toronto Zoo)

Utica, New York, USA (Utica Zoo)

Wichita, Kansas, USA (Sedgwick County Zoo)

West Orange, New Jersey, USA (Turtleback Zoo)

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (Assiniboine Park Zoo)


Joseph Bonnemaire, Ecole Nationale Superieure des Sciences Agronomiques Appliquees, 26, Bd. Docteur Petitjean, 21100 Dijon, France

Department of Agriculture, Hari Har Bhawan, Pulchok, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal

Department of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science, Kathmandu, Nepal (Tewari and Burathoky)

Director of Livestock Development, Peking, China

Professor Karl Fredge, Department of Genetics, University of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

Indian Veterinary Research Institute, P.O. Izatnagar 243 122, Uttar Pradesh, India

Livestock Division, National Agricultural Research Center, Islamabad, Pakistan

National Sheep and Yak Development Project, Dechhen Pelrithang, P.O. Bumthang, Bhutan

Ralph W. Phillips, The Representative, Apartment 810, 1101 South Arlington Ridge Road, Arlington, Virginia 22202, USA

Patrick J. Robinson, Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, University of Oxford, Commonwealth Forestry Institute, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3RB, England

Whipsnade Zoo, Whipsnade, England

Bruce A. Young, Department of Animal Science, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta TOG 2P5, Canada

Wild Banteng

H. Amir, c/o Ministry of Development Supervision and the Environment, JalanMirdekaBarat 15, Jakarta, Indonesia

J. H. Blower, National Parks Project, c/o UNDP, Box 650, Rangoon, Burma

Bonsong Lekagul, Association for the Conservation of Wildlife, No. 4 Customhouse Road, Bangkok, Thailand

Chaichana Satrulee, Dusit Zoological Park, Bangkok, Thailand

Z. Coto, Tropical Forest Biology, SEAMEO-BIOTROP, P.O. Box 17, Bogor, Indonesia

Forest Department, P.O. Box 311, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia (Patrick Andau, Assistant Chief Game Warden)

I. R. Grimwood, P.O. Box 45079, Nairobi, Kenya

C. P. Groves, Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, The Australian National University, P.O. Box 4, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia

U. Halder, Swiss League for Nature Conservation, P.O. Box 73, CH4020 Basel, Switzerland

H. Huitema, Overzicht 60, 6862 CT, Oosterbeek, The Netherlands

F. Wayne King, Director and Professor, Florida State Museum, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32601, USA

Lembaga Biologi Nasional (LBN-LIPI), Bogor, Indonesia

John A. Lukas, White Oak Plantation, Rt. 3 Box 224, Yulee, Florida 32097, USA

Jeffrey A. McNeely, Executive Officer, Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Avenue du Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland

John Payne, Wildlife Section, Forest Department, P.O. Box 311, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

Somtob Norapuckprutikorn, Captive Propagation Section, Wildlife Conservation Division, Royal Forest Department, Bangkhen, Bangkok 9, Thailand

B. Wheeler, 1000 Shady Lane, College Station, Texas 77840, USA

M. H. Woodford, c/o FORW, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

Zoos with Wild Banteng

Albuquerque, USA (Rio Grande Zoological Park)

Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Stichting Koninklijk Zoologisch)

Bangkok, Thailand (Dusit Zoological Park)

Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (Zoologischer Garten)

Chicago, Illinois, USA (Brookfield Zoo)

Cologne, Federal Republic of Germany (Aktiengesellschaft Zoologischer Garten)

Copenhagen, Denmark (Zoologisk Have)

Darmstadt, Federal Republic of Germany (Vivarium Darmstadt)

Dortmund, Federal Republic of Germany (Tierpark Dortmund)

Dresden, German Democratic Republic (Zoologischer Garten Dresden)

Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany

Jakarta, Indonesia (Kebun Binatang Ragunan)

San Diego, California, USA

St. Louis, Missouri, USA (St. Louis Zoological Park)

Surabaya, Indonesia (Kebun Binatang Surabaya)

Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Yulee, Florida, USA (White Oak Plantation)


John Aspinal, Howlett's Wildlife Park, near Canterbury, Kent, England

Boonsong Lekagul, Association for the Conservation of Wildlife, No. 4 Customhouse Road, Bangkok, Thailand

Paul Conry, Division of Aquatic and Wildlife Resources, Department of Agriculture, P.O. Box 23367, GMF Guam 96921, USA

H. Fischer, Institute of Tropical Veterinary Medicine, 63 Giessen, Wilhelmstrasse 15, Federal Republic of Germany

I. R. Grimwood, P.O. Box45079, Nairobi, Kenya

Mohd Khan bin Momin Khan, Director-General, Department of Wildlife and National Parks, P.O. Box 611, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

R. A. Kazarova, Director, Riga Zoological Garden, Meza prospekt 1, Riga 14 226014, Latvian SSR, USSR

H.-G. Klos, Director, Zoologischer Garten Berlin, Hardenbergplatz 8, 1000 Berlin 30, Federal Republic of Germany

Adrian G. Marshall, Department of Zoology, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland

George B. Schaller, New York Zoological Society, 185 and Southern Blvd., New York, New York 10460, USA

Lee Simmons, Omaha Zoo, Omaha, Nebraska 68108, USA

Janet Stover, Bronx Zoo, 185 and Southern Blvd., New York, New York 10460, USA

Frank M. Thompson, Wild Animal Brokers, 15605 S. R. #64, Bradenton, Florida 33508, USA

M. H. Woodford, c/o FORW, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

Zoos with Guar

The Berlin Zoo was assigned by the IUCN in cooperation with the

lUDZG to keep the guar studbook records.

Bangkok, Thailand (Dusit Zoological Park)

Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (Zoologischer Garten)

Bronx, New York, USA (New York Zoological Park; 7 male, 3 female)

Brownsville, Texas, USA (Gladys Porter Zoo; 5 male, 10 female)

Copenhagen, Denmark (Zoologisk Have; 1 male, 2 female)

Holiday Island, Eureka Springs, Arkansas, USA

Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India (Nehru Zoological Park)

Ivey, Wilburton, Oklahoma, USA

Kansas City, Missouri, USA (Kansas City Zoological Gardens; I male)

Kings Mill, Ohio, USA (Wild Animal Safari,; 1 male)

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

London, England

Los Angeles, California, USA (The Los Angeles Zoo; I male, 3 female)

Memphis, Tennessee, USA (Memphis Zoo and Aquarium; I male, 2 female)

Munich, Federal Republic of Germany (Munchener Tierpark Hellabrunn Ag)

Mysore, Karnataka, India

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA (Oklahoma City Zoo; 7 male, 7 female)

Omaha, Nebraska, USA (Henry Doorly Zoological Gardens; 7 male, 15 female)

Riga, Latvian SSR, USSR (Riga Zoological Garden)

San Diego, California, USA (San Diego Wild Animal Park; 6 male, 6 female)

South Bend, Indiana, USA (Potawatomi Park Zoo; 1 male)

St. Louis, Missouri, USA (St. Louis Zoological Park; 1 male, 2 female)

Toronto, Ontario, Canada (Metro Toronto Zoo; 3 male, 1 female)

Vienna, Austria (Schonbrunn Zoo)


Boonsong Lekagul, Association for the Conservation of Wildlife, No. 4 Customhouse Road, Bangkok, Thailand

Harold Coolidge, 38 Standley Street, Beverly, Massachusetts 01915, USA

Jeffrey A. McNeely, Executive Officer, Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas, International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Avenue du Mont-Blanc, 1196 Gland, Switzerland

Harvey C. Neese, P.O. Box 332, Troy, Idaho 83871, USA

David Anthony Parkinson, White House, San Roque 1, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines

Pierre Pfeffer, Zoologie, Mammiferes et Oiseaux Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle 55, rue de Buffon 75005 Paris, France

A. Kelly Shelton, 211-A North Cordova, Burbank, California 91505, USA

Henry Stoddard, Branford Veterinary Clinics, Inc., P.O. Box 548, Branford, Florida 32008, USA

Charles H. Wharton, Institute of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA (Rt. 2, Clayton, Georgia 30525)

World Conservation Centre, Avenue du Mont-Blanc, CH 1196 Gland, Switzerland (David Mitchell, Elizabeth Kemf)

M. H. Woodford, c/o FORW, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

Zoos with Kouprey



J. M. Dolan, San Diego Zoological Garden, San Diego, California 92112, USA

H. Fischer, Institute of Tropical Veterinary Medicine, 63 Giessen, Wilhelmstrasse 15, Federal Republic of Germany

C. P. Groves, Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, The Australian National University, P.O. Box 4, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia

Zoos with Anoas

Antwerp, Belgium (Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp; mountain anoa)

Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany (Zoologischer Garten; mountain anoa)

London, England (lowland anoa)

Leipzig, German Democratic Republic (Zoologischer Garten Leipzig; mountain anoa)

Jakarta, Indonesia (Kebun Binatang Ragunan)

Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Stichting Koninklijke Rotterdamse Diergaarde; 1 male, 3 female)

San Diego, California, USA (San Diego Zoological Garden; 1 male)

San Diego, California, USA (San Diego Wild Animal Park; 1 male)

Surabaya, Indonesia (Kebun Binatang Surabaya)

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (Taronga Park Zoo)


Department of Natural Resources, Quezon City, Manila, Philippines (J. B. Alvarez, Jr., Assistant Director)

H. Fischer, Institute of Tropical Veterinary Medicine, 63 Giessen, Wilhelmstrasse 15, Federal Republic of Germany

I. R. Grimwood, P.O. Box 45079, Nairobi, Kenya

Natural Resources Conservation Office, Ministry of Natural Resources, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines

David Anthony Parkinson, White House, San Roque 1, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro, Philippines

Ian Player, P.O. Box 192, Howick 3290, Natal, South Africa

N. Sitwell, c/o WWF(UK), 11-13 Ockford Rd., Godalming, Surrey GU7 lQU, England

L. M. Talbot, 6656 Chilton Court, McLean, Virginia 22101, USA

Forest Research Institute, College, Laguna 3720, Philippines

Bearded Pig

Julian Oliver Caldecott, Sub-Department of Veterinary Anatomy, University of Cambridge, Downing Street, Cambridge CB2 3DY, England

C. P. Groves, Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, The AustralianNationalUniversity, P.O. Box4, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia

Alastair A. Macdonald, Department of Anatomy, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 10H, Scotland, United Kingdom

J. MacKinnon, WWF/IUCN Representative, P.O. Box 133, Bogor, Indonesia

National Parks and Wildlife Office, Sarawak Forest Department, Jalan Gartak, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia (Kron Aken, David Labang, Mike Kavanagh)

W. L. R. Oliver, Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Les Augres Manor, Jersey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom

John Payne, Wildlife Section, Forest Department, P.O. Box 311, Sandakan, Sabah, Malaysia

M. H. Woodford, c/o FORW, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

Zoos with Bearded Pig

Singapore, Singapore

Manila, Philippines

Sulawesi Warty Pig

C. Catibog-Sinha, Outdoor Recreation and Wildlife Research Division, Forest Research Institute, College, Laguna 3720, Philippines

C. P. Groves, Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, The AustralianNationalUniversity, P.O. Box4, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia

Alastair A. Macdonald, Department of Anatomy, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 10H, Scotland, United Kingdom

J. Mackinnon, WWF/TUCN Representative, P.O. Box 133, Bogor, Indonesia

W. L. R. Oliver, Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Les Augres Manor, Jersey, ChanneL Islands, United Kingdom

M. H. Woodford, c/o FORW, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

Zoos with Sulawesi Warty Pig


Javan Warty Pig

Raleigh A. Blouch, 2125 Forest Glen, Lansing, Michigan 48906, USA

A. A. Bosma, Department of Functional Morphology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, State University Utrecht, P.O. Box 80157, 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands

Directorate of Nature Conservation (PPA), Jalan Ir. H. Juanda 9, Bogor, Indonesia

C. P. Groves, Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, The Australian National University, P.O. Box 4, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia

Lembaga Biologi Nasional (LBN-LIPl), Bogor, Indonesia

Alastair A. Macdonald, Department of Anatomy, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 10EI, Scotland, United Kingdom

J. MacKinnon, WWF/IUCN Representative, P.O. Box 133, Bogor, Indonesia

W. L. R. Oliver, Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Les Augres Manor, Jersey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom

Werner Pauwels, Pfeffingerstrasse 48, CM-053, Basel, Switzerland

Perum Perhutani, Forest State Corporation, Jalan Jendral Gatot Subroto 17-18, Post Box 111, Jakarta, Indonesia

M. H. Woodford, c/o FORW, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy

Zoos with Javan Warty Pig

Jakarta, Indonesia (Kebun Binatang Ragunan)

Surabaya, Indonesia (Kebun Binatang Surabaya)

Pigmy Hog

A. A. Bosma, Department of Functional Morphology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, State University Utrecht, P.O. Box 80157, 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands

P. C. Gogoi, Adviser Forests, (Wildlife and Environmental Planning), Meghalaya, P.O. Shillong 793 001, India

C. P. Groves, Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, The AustralianNationalUniversity, P.O. Box4, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia

Alastair A. Macdonald, Department of Anatomy, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 lOH, Scotland, United Kingdom

J. MacKinnon, WWF/IUCN Representative, P.O. Box 133, Bogor, Indonesia

W. L. R. Oliver, Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Les Augres Manor, Jersey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom

S. Deb Roy, Manas National Park, P.O. Barpeta Road, Kamrup 781 315, India

Zoos with Pigmy Hog

Gauhati, India (Assam State Zoo)

Zurich, Switzerland


A. A. Bosma, Department of Functional Morphology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, State University Utrecht, P.O. Box 80157, 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands

C. P. Groves, Department of Prehistory and Anthropology, The Australian National University, P.O. Box 4, Canberra, ACT 2600, Australia

Alastair A. Macdonald, Department of Anatomy, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh EH9 lOH, Scotland, United Kingdom

J. MacKinnon, WWF/IUCN Representative, P.O. Box 133, Bogor, Indonesia

W. L. R. Oliver, Jersey Wildlife Preservation Trust, Les Augres Manor, Jersey, Channel Islands, United Kingdom

Victoria Selmier, 353 10th Street, San Francisco, California 94103, USA

Zoos with Babirusa

Antwerp, Belgium (Royal Zoological Society of Antwerp, W. de Meurichy)

Bandung, Indonesia

Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, (Zoologischer Garten)

Copenhagen, Denmark, (Zoologisk Have)

Frankfurt, Federal Republic of Germany

Jakarta, Indonesia, (Kebun Binatang Ragunan)

Nuremberg, Federal Republic of Germany

Poznan, Poland

Rotterdam, The Netherlands (Stichting Koninklijke Rotterdamse Diergaarde)

Stuttgart, Federal Republic of Germany

Surabaya, Indonesia, (Kebun Binatang Surabaya)