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close this bookFarming snails 1: Learning about snails; Building a pen; Food and shelter plants (fb33fe)
source ref: fb33fe.htm
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When are the plants big enough for food and for shelter?

118. The food plants must be big enough to feed your snails and the shelter plants tall enough to cover them and to protect them from the sun.

119. Depending on the kind of snails that you are raising, most plants will be big enough after they have been growing for about five to six weeks or when they have reached a height of 10 to 20 centimetres.

Plants will grow to a height of 10 to 20 cm.

120. When you are sure that the plants are big enough to provide food and shelter, you can begin to collect the snails and put them into the pen.

121. In Booklet No. 34, Farming snails 2, you will learn

• how to choose good snails and how to put them in the pen

• how to take care of your snails

• when and how to harvest snails

• how to prepare snails for cooking

122. You will also be told some things that you can do to improve your snail farm so that later when you have more experience you can raise more and better snails.