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close this bookFarming snails 2: Choosing snails; Care and harvesting; Further improvement (fb34fe)
source ref: fb34fe.htm
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Taking better care of your snails

240. The better you understand the snails that you are farming, the better you can take care of them. So, you should always watch them and learn as much as you can.

241. When you have learned the exact kinds of food plants that your snails like to eat, you will see that they grow well.

242. Then, if you always choose the biggest and best snails each time you begin, you will improve the quality of the snails that you are farming.

243. So, with bigger and better snails and with more pens or bigger pens, you will be able to raise many more snails to eat or to sell and you arid your family will be able to live better.

Your family will be able to live better