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close this bookFarming snails 2: Choosing snails; Care and harvesting; Further improvement (fb34fe)
source ref: fb34fe.htm
close this folderHarvesting your snails
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View the documentHow to harvest your snails
View the documentWhat to do with the snails you harvest

How to harvest your snails

204. Harvesting snails is done by hand. It is often hard work to find them because they may be hiding.

Harvesting snails

205. The easiest time to find the snails is when the plants are wet, after it has rained or at night when there is dew and they are moving about or eating.

206. You can also put out some of the food that snails like and when they come to eat it, you can collect them easily.

Put out some food

207. When you are harvesting, handle your snails carefully and put them into a container such as a box or basket or a net sack. However, do not put more than 10 kilograms in a container or you may hurt them.

Put snails in a container