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close this bookFarming snails 2: Choosing snails; Care and harvesting; Further improvement (fb34fe)
source ref: fb34fe.htm
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View the documentChoosing your snails
View the documentPutting your snails in the pen
View the documentWhen to take out the fully grown snails

When to take out the fully grown snails

148. When you see a lot of baby snails in your pen, you will no longer need to keep the fully grown snails.

149. So, take out all of the fully grown snails that you first put into your pen. You can either eat them or sell them at the market.

Take out all fully grown snails

150. Now, with only the baby snails left, the food plants in the pen will be more likely to last until the baby snails are big enough to harvest.

151. Later in this booklet, you will be told when the baby snails are big enough to harvest and how to harvest them.